September 14, 2023
Mingling Past with Present
For me, the most important moments in life are often unplanned, personal interactions. I remember such a moment I shared with my infant daughter and recount that memory in the following poem. I painted the portrait attached to this journal entry, from a selfie my daughter took recently and shared with me. I used the selfie photo because I have no photo of the baby my daughter was at the moment described in the poem. Connecting the memory with the painting mixes the past and present in what I hope is a realistic and meaningful way.
She Laughed
A giggle really,
chubby legs and arms waving,
toothless, wet smile playing
on her lips, in her eyes.
That first time took me by surprise,
forever changed
a forgettable moment
of mundane motherly chores,
changing clothes and diaper
after her morning nap,
into one sweet memory
filled with attachment, closeness, joy.
The giggle split the moment
into a before and after
I remember like this:
Before she laughs:
nothing remarkable,
nothing to share,
After she laughs:
late morning sun warms,
early summer-scented breeze cools,
I feel happy.
Then I laugh, too.